
An accordion-style navigation component for organizing page links.
This component is only available when the @nuxt/content module is installed.


Use the navigation prop with the navigation value you get when fetching the navigation of your app.

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ContentNavigationItem } from '@nuxt/content'

const navigation = inject<Ref<ContentNavigationItem[]>>('navigation')

  <UContentNavigation :navigation="navigation" highlight />


Set the type prop to single to only allow one item to be open at a time. Defaults to multiple.

<script setup lang="ts">
const navigation = ref([
    title: 'Guide',
    icon: 'i-lucide-book-open',
    path: '#getting-started',
    children: [
        title: 'Introduction',
        path: '#introduction',
        active: true
        title: 'Installation',
        path: '#installation'
    title: 'Composables',
    icon: 'i-lucide-database',
    path: '#composables',
    children: [
        title: 'defineShortcuts',
        path: '#defineshortcuts'
        title: 'useModal',
        path: '#usemodal'

  <UContentNavigation type="single" />


Use the color prop to change the color of the navigation links.

<script setup lang="ts">
const navigation = ref([
    title: 'Guide',
    icon: 'i-lucide-book-open',
    path: '#getting-started',
    children: [
        title: 'Introduction',
        path: '#introduction',
        active: true
        title: 'Installation',
        path: '#installation'
    title: 'Composables',
    icon: 'i-lucide-database',
    path: '#composables',
    children: [
        title: 'defineShortcuts',
        path: '#defineshortcuts'
        title: 'useModal',
        path: '#usemodal'

  <UContentNavigation color="neutral" />


Use the variant prop to change the variant of the navigation links.

<script setup lang="ts">
const navigation = ref([
    title: 'Guide',
    icon: 'i-lucide-book-open',
    path: '#getting-started',
    children: [
        title: 'Introduction',
        path: '#introduction',
        active: true
        title: 'Installation',
        path: '#installation'
    title: 'Composables',
    icon: 'i-lucide-database',
    path: '#composables',
    children: [
        title: 'defineShortcuts',
        path: '#defineshortcuts'
        title: 'useModal',
        path: '#usemodal'

  <UContentNavigation variant="link" />


Use the highlight prop to display a highlighted border for the active link.

Use the highlight-color prop to change the color of the border. It defaults to the color prop.

<script setup lang="ts">
const navigation = ref([
    title: 'Guide',
    icon: 'i-lucide-book-open',
    path: '#getting-started',
    children: [
        title: 'Introduction',
        path: '#introduction',
        active: true
        title: 'Installation',
        path: '#installation'
    title: 'Composables',
    icon: 'i-lucide-database',
    path: '#composables',
    children: [
        title: 'defineShortcuts',
        path: '#defineshortcuts'
        title: 'useModal',
        path: '#usemodal'

  <UContentNavigation highlight highlight-color="primary" color="primary" variant="pill" />

Trailing Icon

<script setup lang="ts">
const navigation = ref([
    title: 'Guide',
    icon: 'i-lucide-book-open',
    path: '#getting-started',
    children: [
        title: 'Introduction',
        path: '#introduction',
        active: true
        title: 'Installation',
        path: '#installation'
    title: 'Composables',
    icon: 'i-lucide-database',
    path: '#composables',
    children: [
        title: 'defineShortcuts',
        path: '#defineshortcuts'
        title: 'useModal',
        path: '#usemodal'

  <UContentNavigation trailing-icon="i-lucide-arrow-up" />


Within a layout

Use the ContentNavigation component inside a PageAside component within a layout to display the navigation of the page:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ContentNavigationItem } from '@nuxt/content'

const navigation = inject<Ref<ContentNavigationItem[]>>('navigation')

    <template #left>
        <UContentNavigation :navigation="navigation" highlight />

    <slot />

Within a header

Use the ContentNavigation component inside the content slot of a Header component to display the navigation of the page on mobile:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ContentNavigationItem } from '@nuxt/content'

const navigation = inject<Ref<ContentNavigationItem[]>>('navigation')

    <template #body>
      <UContentNavigation :navigation="navigation" highlight />



Prop Default Type



The element or component this component should render as.




When true, the tree will be opened based on the current route. When false, the tree will be closed. When undefined (default), the first item will be opened with type="single" and the first level will be opened with type="multiple".




The icon displayed to toggle the accordion.



"error" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "info" | "warning" | "neutral"



"pill" | "link"




Display a line next to the active link.



"error" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "info" | "warning" | "neutral"




When type is "single", allows closing content when clicking trigger for an open item. When type is "multiple", this prop has no effect.









When true, prevents the user from interacting with the accordion and all its items



"single" | "multiple"

Determines whether a "single" or "multiple" items can be selected at a time.

This prop will overwrite the inferred type from modelValue and defaultValue.


Partial<{ root: string; content: string; list: string; item: string; listWithChildren: string; itemWithChildren: string; trigger: string; link: string; linkLeadingIcon: string; linkTrailing: string; ... 4 more ...; linkTitleExternalIcon: string; }>


Slot Type

{ link: ContentNavigationLink; active?: boolean | undefined; }


{ link: ContentNavigationLink; active?: boolean | undefined; }


{ link: ContentNavigationLink; active?: boolean | undefined; }


{ link: ContentNavigationLink; active?: boolean | undefined; }


Event Type

[value: string | string[] | undefined]


export default defineAppConfig({
  uiPro: {
    contentNavigation: {
      slots: {
        root: '',
        content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
        list: 'isolate -mx-2.5 -mt-1.5',
        item: '',
        listWithChildren: 'ms-5 border-s border-(--ui-border)',
        itemWithChildren: 'flex flex-col data-[state=open]:mb-1.5',
        trigger: 'font-semibold',
        link: 'group relative w-full px-2.5 py-1.5 before:inset-y-px before:inset-x-0 flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm before:absolute before:z-[-1] before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:before:ring-inset focus-visible:before:ring-2',
        linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
        linkTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
        linkTrailingBadge: 'shrink-0',
        linkTrailingBadgeSize: 'sm',
        linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5 transform transition-transform duration-200 shrink-0 group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180',
        linkTitle: 'truncate',
        linkTitleExternalIcon: 'size-3 align-top text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
      variants: {
        color: {
          primary: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-primary)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-primary)'
          secondary: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-secondary)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-secondary)'
          success: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-success)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-success)'
          info: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-info)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-info)'
          warning: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-warning)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-warning)'
          error: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-error)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-error)'
          neutral: {
            trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)',
            link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
        highlightColor: {
          primary: '',
          secondary: '',
          success: '',
          info: '',
          warning: '',
          error: '',
          neutral: ''
        variant: {
          pill: '',
          link: ''
        active: {
          true: {
            link: 'font-medium'
          false: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
        disabled: {
          true: {
            link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
        highlight: {
          true: {}
        level: {
          true: {
            item: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px',
            itemWithChildren: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px'
      compoundVariants: [
          highlight: true,
          level: true,
          class: {
            link: [
              'after:absolute after:-left-1.5 after:inset-y-0.5 after:block after:w-px after:rounded-full',
          disabled: false,
          active: false,
          variant: 'pill',
          class: {
            link: [
              'hover:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) hover:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
              'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
            linkLeadingIcon: [
              'group-hover:text-(--ui-text) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text)',
          color: 'primary',
          variant: 'pill',
          active: true,
          class: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-primary)',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-primary)'
          color: 'neutral',
          variant: 'pill',
          active: true,
          class: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
          variant: 'pill',
          active: true,
          highlight: false,
          class: {
            link: 'before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
          variant: 'pill',
          active: true,
          highlight: true,
          class: {
            link: [
          disabled: false,
          active: false,
          variant: 'link',
          class: {
            link: [
              'hover:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
            linkLeadingIcon: [
              'group-hover:text-(--ui-text) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text)',
          color: 'primary',
          variant: 'link',
          active: true,
          class: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-primary)',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-primary)'
          color: 'neutral',
          variant: 'link',
          active: true,
          class: {
            link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
          highlightColor: 'primary',
          highlight: true,
          level: true,
          active: true,
          class: {
            link: 'after:bg-(--ui-primary)'
          highlightColor: 'neutral',
          highlight: true,
          level: true,
          active: true,
          class: {
            link: 'after:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
      defaultVariants: {
        color: 'primary',
        highlightColor: 'primary',
        variant: 'pill'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      uiPro: {
        contentNavigation: {
          slots: {
            root: '',
            content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
            list: 'isolate -mx-2.5 -mt-1.5',
            item: '',
            listWithChildren: 'ms-5 border-s border-(--ui-border)',
            itemWithChildren: 'flex flex-col data-[state=open]:mb-1.5',
            trigger: 'font-semibold',
            link: 'group relative w-full px-2.5 py-1.5 before:inset-y-px before:inset-x-0 flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm before:absolute before:z-[-1] before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:before:ring-inset focus-visible:before:ring-2',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
            linkTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
            linkTrailingBadge: 'shrink-0',
            linkTrailingBadgeSize: 'sm',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5 transform transition-transform duration-200 shrink-0 group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180',
            linkTitle: 'truncate',
            linkTitleExternalIcon: 'size-3 align-top text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
          variants: {
            color: {
              primary: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-primary)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-secondary)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-success)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-info)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-warning)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-error)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
            highlightColor: {
              primary: '',
              secondary: '',
              success: '',
              info: '',
              warning: '',
              error: '',
              neutral: ''
            variant: {
              pill: '',
              link: ''
            active: {
              true: {
                link: 'font-medium'
              false: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
            disabled: {
              true: {
                link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
            highlight: {
              true: {}
            level: {
              true: {
                item: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px',
                itemWithChildren: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px'
          compoundVariants: [
              highlight: true,
              level: true,
              class: {
                link: [
                  'after:absolute after:-left-1.5 after:inset-y-0.5 after:block after:w-px after:rounded-full',
              disabled: false,
              active: false,
              variant: 'pill',
              class: {
                link: [
                  'hover:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) hover:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                  'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
                linkLeadingIcon: [
                  'group-hover:text-(--ui-text) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text)',
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-primary)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              highlight: false,
              class: {
                link: 'before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              highlight: true,
              class: {
                link: [
              disabled: false,
              active: false,
              variant: 'link',
              class: {
                link: [
                  'hover:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: [
                  'group-hover:text-(--ui-text) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text)',
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'link',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-primary)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: 'link',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
              highlightColor: 'primary',
              highlight: true,
              level: true,
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'after:bg-(--ui-primary)'
              highlightColor: 'neutral',
              highlight: true,
              level: true,
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'after:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
          defaultVariants: {
            color: 'primary',
            highlightColor: 'primary',
            variant: 'pill'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      uiPro: {
        contentNavigation: {
          slots: {
            root: '',
            content: 'data-[state=open]:animate-[accordion-down_200ms_ease-out] data-[state=closed]:animate-[accordion-up_200ms_ease-out] overflow-hidden focus:outline-none',
            list: 'isolate -mx-2.5 -mt-1.5',
            item: '',
            listWithChildren: 'ms-5 border-s border-(--ui-border)',
            itemWithChildren: 'flex flex-col data-[state=open]:mb-1.5',
            trigger: 'font-semibold',
            link: 'group relative w-full px-2.5 py-1.5 before:inset-y-px before:inset-x-0 flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm before:absolute before:z-[-1] before:rounded-[calc(var(--ui-radius)*1.5)] focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:before:ring-inset focus-visible:before:ring-2',
            linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
            linkTrailing: 'ms-auto inline-flex gap-1.5 items-center',
            linkTrailingBadge: 'shrink-0',
            linkTrailingBadgeSize: 'sm',
            linkTrailingIcon: 'size-5 transform transition-transform duration-200 shrink-0 group-data-[state=open]:rotate-180',
            linkTitle: 'truncate',
            linkTitleExternalIcon: 'size-3 align-top text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
          variants: {
            color: {
              primary: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-primary)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-primary)'
              secondary: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-secondary)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-secondary)'
              success: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-success)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-success)'
              info: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-info)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-info)'
              warning: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-warning)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-warning)'
              error: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-error)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-error)'
              neutral: {
                trigger: 'focus-visible:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)',
                link: 'focus-visible:before:ring-(--ui-border-inverted)'
            highlightColor: {
              primary: '',
              secondary: '',
              success: '',
              info: '',
              warning: '',
              error: '',
              neutral: ''
            variant: {
              pill: '',
              link: ''
            active: {
              true: {
                link: 'font-medium'
              false: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-muted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-dimmed)'
            disabled: {
              true: {
                link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
            highlight: {
              true: {}
            level: {
              true: {
                item: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px',
                itemWithChildren: 'ps-1.5 -ms-px'
          compoundVariants: [
              highlight: true,
              level: true,
              class: {
                link: [
                  'after:absolute after:-left-1.5 after:inset-y-0.5 after:block after:w-px after:rounded-full',
              disabled: false,
              active: false,
              variant: 'pill',
              class: {
                link: [
                  'hover:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) hover:before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)/50 data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                  'transition-colors before:transition-colors'
                linkLeadingIcon: [
                  'group-hover:text-(--ui-text) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text)',
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-primary)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              highlight: false,
              class: {
                link: 'before:bg-(--ui-bg-elevated)'
              variant: 'pill',
              active: true,
              highlight: true,
              class: {
                link: [
              disabled: false,
              active: false,
              variant: 'link',
              class: {
                link: [
                  'hover:text-(--ui-text-highlighted) data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: [
                  'group-hover:text-(--ui-text) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text)',
              color: 'primary',
              variant: 'link',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-primary)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-primary) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-primary)'
              color: 'neutral',
              variant: 'link',
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted)',
                linkLeadingIcon: 'text-(--ui-text-highlighted) group-data-[state=open]:text-(--ui-text-highlighted)'
              highlightColor: 'primary',
              highlight: true,
              level: true,
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'after:bg-(--ui-primary)'
              highlightColor: 'neutral',
              highlight: true,
              level: true,
              active: true,
              class: {
                link: 'after:bg-(--ui-bg-inverted)'
          defaultVariants: {
            color: 'primary',
            highlightColor: 'primary',
            variant: 'pill'
Some colors in compoundVariants are omitted for readability. Check out the source code on GitHub.