Use the items
prop as an array of objects with the following properties:
label?: string
icon?: string
avatar?: AvatarProps
class?: any
slot?: string
You can pass any property from the Link component such as to
, target
, etc.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { BreadcrumbItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<BreadcrumbItem[]>([
label: 'Home',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
to: '/components'
label: 'Breadcrumb',
icon: 'i-lucide-link',
to: '/components/breadcrumb'
<UBreadcrumb :items="items" />
is rendered instead of a link when the to
property is not defined.Separator Icon
Use the separator-icon
prop to customize the Icon between each item. Defaults to i-lucide-chevron-right
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { BreadcrumbItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = ref<BreadcrumbItem[]>([
label: 'Home',
icon: 'i-lucide-house'
label: 'Components',
icon: 'i-lucide-box',
to: '/components'
label: 'Breadcrumb',
icon: 'i-lucide-link',
to: '/components/breadcrumb'
<UBreadcrumb separator-icon="i-lucide-arrow-right" :items="items" />
With separator slot
Use the #separator
slot to customize the separator between each item.
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { BreadcrumbItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items: BreadcrumbItem[] = [{
label: 'Home',
to: '/'
}, {
label: 'Components',
to: '/components'
}, {
label: 'Breadcrumb',
to: '/components/breadcrumb'
<UBreadcrumb :items="items">
<template #separator>
<span class="mx-2 text-(--ui-text-muted)">/</span>
With custom slot
Use the slot
property to customize a specific item.
You will have access to the following slots:
#{{ item.slot }}
#{{ item.slot }}-leading
#{{ item.slot }}-label
#{{ item.slot }}-trailing
<script setup lang="ts">
import type { BreadcrumbItem } from '@nuxt/ui'
const items = [{
label: 'Home',
to: '/'
}, {
slot: 'dropdown' as const,
icon: 'i-lucide-ellipsis',
children: [{
label: 'Documentation'
}, {
label: 'Themes'
}, {
label: 'GitHub'
}, {
label: 'Components',
to: '/components'
}, {
label: 'Breadcrumb',
to: '/components/breadcrumb'
}] satisfies BreadcrumbItem[]
<UBreadcrumb :items="items">
<template #dropdown="{ item }">
<UDropdownMenu :items="item.children">
<UButton :icon="item.icon" color="neutral" variant="link" class="p-0.5" />
, #item-leading
, #item-label
and #item-trailing
slots to customize all items.API
Prop | Default | Type |
as |
The element or component this component should render as. |
items |
| |
separatorIcon |
The icon to use as a separator. |
labelKey |
The key used to get the label from the item. |
ui |
Slot | Type |
item |
item-leading |
item-label |
item-trailing |
separator |
export default defineAppConfig({
ui: {
breadcrumb: {
slots: {
root: 'relative min-w-0',
list: 'flex items-center gap-1.5',
item: 'flex min-w-0',
link: 'group relative flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm min-w-0 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
linkLeadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
linkLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
linkLabel: 'truncate',
separator: 'flex',
separatorIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 text-(--ui-text-muted)'
variants: {
active: {
true: {
link: 'text-(--ui-primary) font-semibold'
false: {
link: 'text-(--ui-text-muted) font-medium'
disabled: {
true: {
link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
to: {
true: ''
compoundVariants: [
disabled: false,
active: false,
to: true,
class: {
link: [
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import ui from '@nuxt/ui/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ui: {
breadcrumb: {
slots: {
root: 'relative min-w-0',
list: 'flex items-center gap-1.5',
item: 'flex min-w-0',
link: 'group relative flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm min-w-0 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
linkLeadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
linkLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
linkLabel: 'truncate',
separator: 'flex',
separatorIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 text-(--ui-text-muted)'
variants: {
active: {
true: {
link: 'text-(--ui-primary) font-semibold'
false: {
link: 'text-(--ui-text-muted) font-medium'
disabled: {
true: {
link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
to: {
true: ''
compoundVariants: [
disabled: false,
active: false,
to: true,
class: {
link: [
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import uiPro from '@nuxt/ui-pro/vite'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
ui: {
breadcrumb: {
slots: {
root: 'relative min-w-0',
list: 'flex items-center gap-1.5',
item: 'flex min-w-0',
link: 'group relative flex items-center gap-1.5 text-sm min-w-0 focus-visible:outline-(--ui-primary)',
linkLeadingIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5',
linkLeadingAvatar: 'shrink-0',
linkLeadingAvatarSize: '2xs',
linkLabel: 'truncate',
separator: 'flex',
separatorIcon: 'shrink-0 size-5 text-(--ui-text-muted)'
variants: {
active: {
true: {
link: 'text-(--ui-primary) font-semibold'
false: {
link: 'text-(--ui-text-muted) font-medium'
disabled: {
true: {
link: 'cursor-not-allowed opacity-75'
to: {
true: ''
compoundVariants: [
disabled: false,
active: false,
to: true,
class: {
link: [